Category: Quany’s Gym

Simeon Panda at Quany’s Gym!

Awesome to have Simeon Panda come into The Members Gym for a session a couple of weeks ago! We really appreciated the time he took out of his workout to stop to chat and take photos with some of the members, what a great guy! Here’s what he had to say about the gym – […]

Change to Staffed Hours

Hey guys, just letting everyone know we’ll have a small change to our staff hours starting from November. There will no longer be staff hours on Sunday. We will be staffed from 6-11am and 4-8pm EVERY week day and 7-11am on Saturdays. This is just to keep things simple for everyone and allow us to help […]

7 Reasons for Weekly Training

7 Reasons for Weekly Training 7 Reasons why all our bodybuilders, powerlifters, athletes, and gym-goers should start incorporating yoga into their weekly training! Classes are held every Thursday night at 6:30PM!…


New SMASH CIRCUIT Class is about to come to Quany’s! This will be a 30 minute High Intensity Interval based training session so that you can get in, work hard and get out fast. H.I.I.T sessions are proven to help your metabolism and get you fit fast so give it a go! The classes will […]